AMHEA is primarily a support group for Catholic homeschoolers on the westside of Cincinnati, but people of all faith are welcome to join. We have a forum on groups.io where you can interact with other homeschoolers and stay abreast of any activities that are being planned. We hold a few events each year, such as a beginning of the school year picnic, All Saint’s day party, talent show or science fair, graduation, prom, as well as other member led activities as they pop up.
Many of our members have been homeschooling for several years. Some have been for 15, 20, even even longer, and would be happy to help new members with getting started homeschooling.
AMHEA itself does not offer any co-ops (group classes), but many of our members are involved in a co-op in one form or another. Most co-ops meet one day a week.
If you would like to register with AMHEA for this year and get access to our group forum, please complete the registration form on our website and submit it per the instructions on the form. The registration fee is $25/year if paying by check, $26/year if paying by electronically – see the become a member tab for details on how to submit that payment.
What is with the funny name? Who is Alice of Montbar?

Alice of Montbar Home Education Association, or AMHEA, is named after, Alice of Montbar. She was an 11th century noblewoman from Dijon, France. Drawing on her own fine education and God-given intelligence, she home taught all seven of her children, bringing forth a family of saints.
One is a canonized Doctor of the Church – St. Bernard of Clairvaux – and six are beatified – Bl. Guy, Bl. Gerard, Bl. Andrew, Bl. Humbeline, Bl. Bartholomew and Bl. Nivard.
Because she lived radically for Christ, Alice had the moral fortitude to nurse her future saints at her own breast during a time in history when aristocratic women customarily abdicated their noble duty to the service of a wet-nurse.
She insisted, as later Popes have affirmed, that it was her duty (Benedict XIV) to be her infant’s “private tutor of love” (Pius XII). She also found time to care for the poor and sick in her community, doing lowly jobs such as bathing them and cleaning their homes. She is a role model and inspiration for Catholic homeschooling mothers.
AMHEA Mission Statement
Alice of Montbar Home Educators Association is a Catholic, not-for profit, unincorporated association organized under the laws of the State of Ohio. The purpose of this organization is:
- to support Catholic homeschooling parents
- to promote Catholic homeschooling
- to promote understanding and acceptance of the Catholic faith
- to maintain relationships with other homeschooling associations
- to promote academic and social activities for our children
With the help of Divine Grace, we provide our children with Catholic discipleship and strong Catechesis through home education. This requires joyful sacrifice of our time and comfort, as well as heroic effort and self-giving love. Each member family has discerned through prayer this call to do God’s Will. We believe this call is the movement of the Holy Spirit building up The Church.